Knights of Pythias

Defiance Lodge #335
Newtown, PA

Upcoming Meetings :

February 11-Audit Dinner
Saturday, February 22 Grand Lodge Mtg. Dunmore, PA
Tuesday, February 25
Tuesday, March 25
Tuesday, April 29
Tuesday, May 27
Tuesday, June 24
Tuesday, July 29
Saturday, August 16 Grand. Lodge Mtg. Dunmore, PA
Tuesday, August 26
Sunday, September ? Clam Bake 12-5
Tuesday, October 28
Tuesday, November 25



Lodge Meetings

The last Tuesday of every month, except December.

Audit Dinner

Takes place on the second Tuesday of February at The Washington Crossing Inn.

Ladies' Night

Late April or early May depending on the venue.


The second Sunday of September at The Mershon Ranch, winds and tides permitting!

Holiday Brunch

Early December
About Us

The Order of Knights of Pythias is a great international fraternity which was founded in Washington, DC, February 19, 1864, by Justus H. Rathbone, and embraces more than two thousand subordinate lodges in the United States and Canada, with occasional lodges having been formed elsewhere. The primary object of fraternal organizations is to promote friendship among men and to relieve suffering. Each organization adopts some outstanding principle as its objective. The individuality of an order is determined by its ideal sentiment. The distinguishing principles of the Order of Knights of Pythias are "FRIENDSHIP, CHARITY and BENEVOLENCE". 

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Paul Storch
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Joe Creightom
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Tom Mershon
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On April 13, 2024, Defiance Lodge honored two more 50 year members, Don Marshall and Don Smith. Bob Musto, Chancellor Commander (left) and PGC Corky Schwartz (right) presented the awards. 

Defiance Lodge now has five fifty year members, including
PGC Edgar Fulmor, GP Paul Wetzel, and PGC Eric Johnson.


Charles Swartz, III
PO Box 27
Newtown, PA 18940


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